About Us.


For many years Sean and Andrew have worked together in commercial and residential remodeling. Both have spent years gaining skills in the construction and design industry: a combined 35+ years of experience.  In 2020 they established Numa Design with an emphasis on new construction and remodeling. 


In an industry of quantity over quality and production over the personal, craftsmanship can feel like a lost art. This leaves the home feeling more like an empty container and less like a place to live and breathe. 


The Greek word pneuma means “air in motion” that is necessary for life or breath. Numa Design, at its core, is about a controlled breath - a breath to slow down. A breath to focus on the task at hand, noticing every little detail of a project, and taking pride in the work done. That is what we pass on to the homeowner.”

Sean Achey

Andrew Benner

Contact us.
